Ko Wai Au - Who Am I
I wrote the kōrero (words) below in 2007 while on a digital storytelling course at Scotsdale Community College, Arizona. I also made the video while there as a way of learning the digital storytelling process. Even though this was 17 years ago, these words are still relevant for me today.
Ko Wai au?
Who am I?
from where do my waters flow
and where shall they go to?
water is wellbeing
water is life
what is my purpose in life?
I have asked myself this question
often in times of struggle
I have swam many seas against the tide
only to be returned to the shore once again
to face my fears
to face my past
and to honour who I am in the present
I was born into this world a seed unfolding
my ancestors taught me connection
connection to the whenua
to the land that we are a part of
there is no separation
whenua is the placenta
that nourishes a child inside a mothers womb
and so it nurtures and sustains us and allows us to grow
why did they take the land?
our intent was never to own the land
how could I own something that is already a part of me
we live in harmony with the land, we live as community
the land is my reo my language
and without my voice
how can I share my messages with the world?
the land feeds my body and my mind
it feeds my spirit, my wairua is free
So I ask myself again
Who am I?
the sharing of breath
the sharing of life and love
I want to be that
but how does one love
when we have experienced war
when we have been oppressed
and everything that is us
has been taken
how do we survive?
and so I face that which challenges every part of my being
we speak often of qualities
and forgiveness
but how often do we love and honour ourselves?
how often do we treat ourselves and others with compassion?
today as I journey through life
I walk firmly with my feet in the earth
Papatūānuku nurtures me
I feel her beneath my feet
she energises me
I wear the symbols of my tūpuna
as moko within my skin
as a constant reminder of where I come from
I honour my tūpuna and I remember the past
but I do not live in the past
as the present is what's important to me
I continue my walk
I look to the horizon into the distance
and see what is there
and then I remember
that I am here
today I choose
I choose to be free
to forgive the actions of the past
that I can move forward into the future
to trust, to open my heart
and welcome all that is waiting for me
my vision in all that I do is
inspire, uplift and heal many
through nature and creativity
to inspire is to be me
to honour who I am
to heal is to accept
and to enable others to heal themselves
And so I ask myself again
who am I?
I am me
right here, right now
and each day I grow
and each day I change
I cry
I laugh
I hurt
and I sing
but right now,
I am at peace
You can view the original digital story here.