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Rākau is a creative conversation with native trees of Aotearoa.

A pathway of reconnection back to the whenua (earth) and taiao (environment) through our native trees. A welcome to all, to live in harmony with the taiao, it is a journey to the innate creativity that lives in all of us.

Ko Rākau, he hīkoi wairua

i ngā rākau Māori.

He hokinga atu ki te

whenua me te taiao

hei oranga mo tātou katoa.


Rākau is an exhibition of artworks created by Harete that utilises 100% native trees. Each artwork is an exploration of native tree dyes on harakeke paper, an intuitive creative process that draws on the artist’s connection to native trees of Aotearoa and the observations she has made through her camera and words.

He toi rākau, he ihumanea. Ko te hononga atu o te tangata ki ngā rākau, he kohinga mātauranga kia tukuna atu ki te ao.

Ngā mihi nui ki a Toi Aotearoa - Creative NZ mo te pūtea tautoko.

Thankyou to Creative NZ for supporting this project.