Connection To Our Inner Landscapes


Connection to our inner and outer landscapes.

Today I Reflected on the disconnection from the internet. The whole network went down. And I realised, the outer network was down, but the inner landscape was more connected to the outer landscape now, due to there being no internet connection.

The hum of activity had gone, the birds became louder and were given license to sing and my inner landscape, while initially in shock at the lack of connection to the outside world, realised that this inner connection, that is longing for connection, is much more important.

If we are so dependent on what is out there, if our worlds are all about presenting ourselves to the outer world, how do we balance our inner? Are we giving equal amounts of time to the inner landscape and those things that burn within our own hearts?

Are we really connected if we are longing for that outer connection? And what happens to our connection when we disconnect from the outside that keeps us connected to the rest of the world?

I think about my tūpuna, my ancestors and my parents lifetimes. Connection was a-wairua, connection was in person, where walking miles to see a whānau member or to gather kai was the norm. Our deep connection to each other came from our understanding of our connection to nature, that we are a part of nature and nature is a part of us.

The connection, that we are so disconnected from.

We've become disconnected through dependence on a power outside of ourselves and if we can't survive without that connection to the outside world. Then what of us?

It is time to get back to who we are, to honour the sacred within and the sacred that lives in the leaf that opens when the sun shines, the flower that grows to know that it will soon die and that it's life will be for a season. So, it fully expresses itself in all it's wonder and beauty because it knows that life is short and being present is imperative to live it’s best life.

And the bee who's work is done when that honey is collected and yet they do not sit back and relax knowing that that one sting for life will be the end of him. They know that work is life and they will keep at it until the end because they understand that you get one life as you, and you must make the most of it.

Nature, the greatest example of how we should live our lives, that we should live each moment in every day to appreciate the wonder and beauty of what is before us, and, the power that exists within us, if we listen and are present, is reflected in everything around us. 

I also thought about power. The power that powers our homes each day. What if the power went out too? Would you still be able to live without “power”?

Would you know that to tap into your own inner power will give you far greater power than that which we are so dependent on right now?

Because our inner landscape and tapping into that, is an unlimited source of power that does not require an external source and our biggest source of connection to nature – the sun and the moon and the stars that connection to the universe beyond who we are on this earth.


Reconnection, because we know who we are. We just need to turn off from the external for just a few moments because as I write this, I know that there will be people out there, connecting to the internet as we speak. So I'm enjoying not having the hum, enjoying this connection and the realisation that I am far greater and far powerful than any external source and that dependence on the outside world and attention from my external circles.

So while we're sharing our lives away externally on the internet, lets hope that we are equally giving attention to the inner landscapes of our heart, where light shines brighter the more attention we give, because the more we feed our inner world, tapping into our authentic selves and who we are in those moments of solitude and silence, the more we are able to give of our authentic selves to the outer world.